Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is a Displaced Worker?
    A Displaced Worker is an employee of a concessionaire (generally, an employer with a contract through Marketplace PHL) who has lost their employment due to the stoppage of all, or some, of the business operations of their employer.
  2. What is the Philadelphia International Airport Displaced Worker Program (DWP)?
    The DWP is an employee benefit that provides Displaced Workers with the first opportunity to interview for jobs in their respective job categories that are created from new concession employers who open for business after the worker becomes displaced.
  3. Which employers are required to interview from the Displaced Worker candidate pool?
    Employers whose business opening date occurs after a worker has been displaced (lost employment due to their employer closing) are required to interview from the Displaced Worker Program candidate pool until (1.) they hire 50% of their workforce from the Displaced Worker Program candidate pool, or (2.) they interview all available Displaced Workers within the new employer’s designated job category hiring needs.
  4. Who monitors the Displaced Worker Program?
    Marketplace PHL is the primary administrator of the Displaced Worker Program. They are responsible for ensuring new employers and Displaced Workers are complying with the program’s requirements.
  5. Can I edit my password?
    Both employers and Displaced Workers can change their passwords after an account has been created. You can change your password within your profile page. To change your password, scroll to your profile information, then click edit. You can then enter, and confirm, a new password. You do not need to edit any other profile information to change your password.
  6. Can I edit my email address or contact information?
    Both employers and Displaced Workers can change their contact information after an account has been created. You can change your contact information within your profile page. To change your contact information, scroll to your contact information on your profile page, then click edit.
  7. I’m a new user, what do I do if I don’t have my login information?
    Whether you are a Displaced Worker or an employer, if you are having trouble logging in or if you misplaced your login information, please contact Marketplace PHL for assistance.
  8. Who do I contact if I have an issue with the Displaced Worker Program website?
    Whether you are a Displaced Worker or an employer, if you have problems using the Displaced Worker Program website, please contact Marketplace PHL for assistance.

Displaced Workers

  1. How do I become eligible for the Displaced Worker Program?
    Workers who are employed by a concessionaire (an employer who has a contract with Marketplace PHL at the Philadelphia International Airport) who lose their job due to the employer ending all, or some, of their business operations at the airport are eligible to participate in the Displaced Worker Program. In order to enter the Displaced Worker Program, you must turn your PHL badge, or show your receipt from the PHL Badging Office, into the PHL Marketplace offices (located outside of Terminal E) within 48 hours of your employer’s closing date.
  2. How do I register for the Displaced Worker Program?
    At the time you turn you PHL badge into PHL Marketplace (within 48 hours of your employer’s closing date), you will be provided your login credentials to access the Displaced Worker Program website. You will use these credentials to register and create an account with the Displaced Worker Program. The program is only administered through the Displaced Worker Program website.
  3. Am I automatically included in the Displaced Worker Program, or do I have to register?
    You must register and create an account to be included within the Displaced Worker Program. Registering for the program confirms your interest in interviewing for additional opportunities with Philadelphia International Airport and PHL Marketplace concessionaires.
  4. How long am I included in the Displaced Worker Program?
    You are eligible to be within the Displaced Worker Program for a period of one year from your employer’s closing date. After one year your account will automatically be deactivated by the system.
  5. What do I need to provide to create a Displaced Worker Program account?
    At the minimum, you must provide your contact information and a summary of your skills. But, if you so choose, you may upload a resume or select two additional job categories for which you may qualify.
  6. I’ve registered for the Displaced Worker Program. Now what happens?
    After you register, you are listed as a candidate in the Displaced Worker Program. A PHL Marketplace Merchant can then find your record and request an interview with you. You will receive an email informing you of the interview request. You must then login to your account to respond to the request. See “What are my responsibilities as a Displaced Worker” for more details on how to remain active in the program.
  7. What are my responsibilities as a Displaced Worker?
    To participate and remain active within the Displaced Worker Program, you must:
    1. Turn your PHL badge into PHL Marketplace (outside Terminal E) within 48 hours of your employers closing date.
    2. Have an active email address.
    3. Register and add your contact information.
    4. Log into your account and accept an interview request within 4 days of a request being sent to your email address.
    5. Attend the interview.
  8. Can I get deactivated from the Displaced Worker Program?
    Once you have registered for the Displaced Worker Program, you can be deactivated from the program for the following reasons:
    1. You do not respond to an interview request from an employer within 4 days.
    2. You decline an interview.
    3. You do not show up for an interview.
    4. You do not accept an offer for a job resulting from an interview.
    5. One year has passed since your employer has closed their business.
    6. You opt out of the Displaced Worker Program through this site. Once you opt out of the program, you can opt back in provided it is within one year of your former employer’s closing date.
  9. Who can I contact if I have a problem or question about the Displaced Worker Program?
    Please contact Marketplace PHL with questions or issues.
  10. What if I have been deactivated but I had an emergency or other situation that prevented me from responding?
    Please contact Marketplace PHL if you have questions about your involvement in the Displaced Worker Program.
  11. Can I opt out of receiving interview requests?
    If you know you will be unavailable for a period of time, you may opt out of the program which will exclude you from future interview requests – and prevent you from being deactivated for not responding within 4 days. But, if you have any open interview requests, you must contact the employer to complete the interview process. Opting out of the program only blocks you from receiving new requests. If you fail to follow up with open requests, you will be permanently removed from the Displaced Worker Program.

    To opt out, login to your account, scroll to the bottom of your profile page and click on the opt out button. You may opt back into the program to receive interview requests at any time before your account expiration date (one year from the closing date of your former employer).
  12. Can I reenter the Displaced Worker Program if I opted out?
    Yes. As long as you opt back in before the account expiration date in your profile (one year from your former employer’s closing date). Just login to your account, scroll to the bottom and click the opt back in button.
  13. Can I reenter the Displaced Worker Program if I’ve had multiple employers close?
    Yes. If you were previously in the Displaced Worker Program then were hired by another Displaced Worker Program-eligible employer who closes, you can enter back into the Displaced Worker Program as a Displaced Worker from your current employer.
  14. What does the information in my Interview Activity section mean?
    Merchant Name: The name of the employer who contacted you for an interview.
    Interview Requested: The date that an email was sent to you requesting an interview.
    Accept/Decline Buttons: Your option to accept or decline an interview. If you decline an interview, you will be permanently removed from the Displaced Worker Program.
    Accepted/Declined: Once you accept or decline, the buttons will no longer be active. These indications are to show your response to an interview request.
    Interview Date: Once an employer has contacted you to schedule an interview, they will update the interview request field with the date that you and the employer have agreed upon. If you see a date that you did not agree to, please contact PHL Marketplace immediately.
    Hiring Status: Displays the final status of your interview with the employer. If you feel the status is not correct, please contact PHL Marketplace immediately.
  15. Can the employers see my contact information?
    Employers can see the contact information that you have added to your Displaced Worker Program Profile in order to contact you to schedule an interview. Please be sure to check your listed email address or voicemail often.
  16. Why do you list my contact information on the Displaced Worker Program website?
    Your contact information is available to hiring employers to allow them to contact you for an interview. Employers are required to contact you through the Displaced Worker Program website for an initial interview request, but once you accept they need to contact you directly via phone or email to coordinate an in-person or phone interview.
  17. What is the purpose of the “Additional Notes and Accomplishments” form in my profile?
    The Additional Notes and Accomplishments field is an opportunity for you to enter a summary of your experience as it relates to your experience within your assigned, or additional, job category. You are required to use this field to provide additional details about your experience that an employer may find helpful in their search.
  18. Can I add my resume or work experience to the Displaced Worker Program website?
    Within your profile, you can upload your resume or use the “Additional Notes and Accomplishments” field to provide additional details about your work experience.
  19. Can I edit all of my Employment Information?
    You can only edit select fields within the Employment Information section of your profile. You cannot edit your Account Status, Former Merchant, or Job Category. If you feel there is an error within this information, please contact Marketplace PHL.
  20. What are the additional job categories for?
    The additional job categories provide you an opportunity to be interviewed for positions outside of the role you most recently held. New employers within the system will be able to find you by your job category. Be sure to include a note within the “Additional Notes and Accomplishments” field of your profile to speak to your experience in your self-selected categories.
  21. What are my options if I am unable to respond to interview requests because of an emergency?
    You can opt out of the program for a period of time by clicking on the Opt Out of Program button at the bottom of your profile page. Additionally, you can opt back in after opting out as long as it is before your Account Expiration Date.
  22. Am I required to use this website to participate in the Displaced Worker Program?
    Yes. All activities for the Displaced Worker Program are managed through this website.
  23. What happens if I decline an interview?
    If you decline an interview, you will be permanently removed from the Displaced Worker Program.
  24. What happens if I cannot respond to an interview within the 4-day time period?
    If you are unable to respond to an interview request due to an emergency within the required 4 day time period, please contact PHL Marketplace to discuss your options.
  25. Is my contact or employment information shared with anyone outside of the Philadelphia International Airport or Marketplace PHL?
    Your contact information is shared with Philadelphia International Airport or PHL Marketplace contracted employers in order to contact you for interview purposes. If you do not want your information shared with these employers, you can opt out of the program by logging into your account and clicking on “Opt Out of DW Program” at the bottom of your profile. Your contact information, including email, will never be shared outside of the Displaced Worker Program without your consent. The Philadelphia International Airport or PHL Marketplace may send you emails about events or information related to employment at the Philadelphia International Airport.


  1. Am I required to participate in the Displaced Worker Program?
    Merchants who are opening a new business under contract with PHL Marketplace are required to participate in the Displaced Worker Program until they meet the program’s merchant compliance requirements. Other PHL Marketplace employers are welcome to use the Displaced Worker Program to search for staff, but have no compliance requirements.
  2. What are my requirements as a new Marketplace employer to become compliant?
    A new Merchant must meet one of the following criteria in order to become compliant in the Displaced Worker Program:
    1. Hire at least 50% of your projected staffing needs from the Displaced Worker Program candidate pool.
    2. Interview, or hire, all candidates within your projected staffing needs job categories.Once your account becomes compliant, you will no longer be required to interview from the Displaced Worker Program candidate pool and will remain compliant. However, you may continue to interview from the Displaced Worker Program Candidate Pool if you so choose.
  3. I’ve been operating at PHL for some time, can I access the Displaced Worker Program worker pool?
    All PHL Marketplace contracted merchants are welcome to use the Displaced Worker Program to source candidates. Please contact PHL Marketplace to obtain your login credentials.
  4. As a new merchant, what are my responsibilities within the Displaced Worker Program website?
    In order to record your progress and ensure you are meeting your contractual compliance requirements, you must take the following steps within the Displaced Worker Program website:
    1. Find and request interviews from Displaced Workers.
    2. Update the interview date and final result of your interview with each displaced worker.
  5. How do I find Displaced Workers and request interviews?
    After you register your account, click on “Find Displaced Workers” at the top-right of your profile page. From this page you will be able to search for Displaced Workers by Job Category and request interviews.
  6. What happens if the Displaced Worker doesn’t respond to my interview request or declines an interview?
    A Displaced Worker is required to accept to your interview request within 4 days of the request being sent. If they fail to respond within this timeframe, or if they decline the interview, they are permanently deactivated from the Displaced Worker Program. If either of these actions occur, the system will automatically update the interview status of the Displaced Worker and deactivate them from the system.
  7. How do I schedule an interview with a Displaced Worker?
    After a Displaced Worker accepts your interview request, you will receive an email notification containing the worker's contact information. It is up to you to directly contact the Displaced Worker outside of the Displaced Worker Program website to schedule the interview. Once you have scheduled an interview date, you must return to your profile page, click “Interview Activity”, then update the interview date for the Displaced Worker.
  8. Where do I update the results of my interviews?
    After you have scheduled and held your interview, you must return to, login, and then click “Interview Activity” from the top-right of your profile page. From there, you can update the status of each interview held. Your status options are:
    Hired: You have hired this Displaced Worker.
    Did not show up: The Displaced Worker did not show up for the interview.
    No offer made: You interviewed the Displaced Worker, but did not offer them a position.
    Offer Declined: You interviewed and offered a position to the Displaced Worker, but they did not accept the job.
  9. How will I know if I’ve met my compliance requirements?
    You can view your Compliance Report within your profile page. Your report will display your percentage of Displaced Workers hired, your compliance status and compliance date. You will be marked compliant once you have met your 50% hired requirement or have zero available workers to interview in your selected staffing needs job categories.